The Rohrbach Metallflugzeugbau GmbH was founded in 1922 by Adolf Rohrbach to develop aircraft built of metal. Because manufacturing of aircraft was restricted in Germany by the Versailles treaty, Rohrbach created a company in Copenhagen, the Rohrbach-Metall-Aeroplane Co A/S to buld the planes. In 1934 the Weser-Flugzeugbau took over the company. Adolf Hitler used during the election campaign 1932 a Ro VII Roland hired from the Lufthansa.. During the 10 years existance the company only produced 41 aircraft besides of license-production. First design for the Japanese Navy was the two-engined flying boat Ro II. Then followed the Ro III and Ro IIIa , the last type was exported to Turkey. The most successful design was the Ro VIII Roland, a 3-engined airliner for 10 passengers. The only single engined aircraft was the Ro IX Rofix, but after crashes of both planes bult (The famous pilot Paul Bäumer was killed in one of the crashes) work on this type was discontinued. The flying boat Ro X Romar was one of the largest of the period.
"Das Rohrbach-Riesen-Flugboot ist das grösste der Welt. Es wiegt 300 Ctr. Die Flügelspannweite beträgt 37 m, die Rumpflänge 22,70 m. Es ist mit 3 Motoren von insgesamt 2400 P.S. ausgestattet. Das ganze Boot besteht aus 8 wasserdichten Schoten wie sie die Ozeandampfer haben, welche bei Havarie völlig gegeneinander abgeschlossen und ein Untergehen des Flugbootes verhindern.“
In the beginning of the thirties the company had to close because of the financial situation. In April 1934 Weser Flugzeugbau GmbH took over the company and Dr. Rohrbach became technical director of Weser.