In 1921 the Segelflugwerke GmbH in Baden-Baden was founded, the first company that built
gliders in series-production. In 1922 the name changed to Weltensegler-Gesellschaft. A few
aircraft had a small engine, the first motorgliders. Between 1920 and 1922 were the types
"Weltensegler" and "Feldberg" built. Later a glider named "Bremen". In 1923 a two-seater ,
the "Frohe Welt", and a single seater, the "Nimm mich mit" were built. The aircraft were built
in different workshops in Baden-Baden, in Eichelgarten and in the buildings at the airport
Baden-Oos. Flights were made not at Baden-Oos but at Feldberg and Hornisgrine.A 16-year
old Friedrich Wenk built this glider at Blaubeuren and flew it at Allmendingen. In 1920 he
designed the Wenk-Peshkes flying wing sailplanes, and then, among many other works, the
“Weltensegler” flying wings. Later, the wings for “Moazagotl” and “Minimoa”. Dr. Wenk died
in 1966..Friedrich Wenk had been experimentingwith flying since his teen age and had discovered
that a tail-less monoplane would fly if the wings were swept back and the centre of gravity was
well forward. The outer panels of the swept wing performed the same balancing and stabilising
function as a tailplane, providing they were set or twisted to a negative angle relative to the central
mainplane. After some limited successes he found generous financial backing, launched a
company called Weltensegler GmbH, and established a workshop on the Wasserkuppe.