Aerobatics pilot Peschke; formerly of Raab-Katzenstein-Flugzeugwerk; founded after the bankruptcy of Ra-Ka a flying school in Lohausen-Düsseldorf, the Rheinland-Fliegerschule GmbH and later, 1935, a firm in Minden where a few aircraft of the type FR 2 "Rheinland Schwalbe" were built..in . It made repairs and also built a few Horten gliders
Registration painted on right wing of a Klemm L 26
After two years standing in the open was the Horten H V ordered by the RLM transported to Minden from the Wildpark-Werder.. Peschke repaired and modified it to a single seater. With the marking PE +HO (Peschke and Horten) Walter Horten flew it to Göttingen in May 1942