In spring 1941 the German Luftwaffe agreed to sell some of their war booty Frencb and Norwegian Hawk 75A:s . The Espenlaub Flugzeugbau ,Wuppertal, installed german equipment.
The first delivery to Finland consisted of seven Cyclone-engined aircraft, arriving in Finland between June 23rd and 30th in 1941. They were given serial numbers Cuc 501... .507. They were accompanied by nine Twin Wasp-engined aircraft which were given. serial numbers Cuw-551.. .559.
The second delivery arrived between July 28th and August 2nd. All eleven were Twin Wasp-engined and they were given serial numbers Cuw-560... 570. A later delivery on December 5,1941 brought two more Twin Wasp-engined aircraft. The serial numbers were made uniform, the newcomers being given CU-571 . . . 572. So far all the aircraft had been shipped in wooden crates. They were assembled at the State Aircraft Factory and delivered directly to the squadrons.
In spring 1943 further fifteen Hawk 75A's were bought from the German War Booty Depot. These aircraft had served in the French Air Force three years earlier. They were brought from Dusseldorf by Finnish pilots. The first four arrived onJune 13th and the next five on July 4th. In autumn 1943 two more aircraft came on September 11th and one on November 18th. The last three arrived in early 1944; two on January 4th and the last one on January 11th. They were overhauled at the State Aircraft Factory and were given serial numbers CU-573. .. 587.
Following types were delivered
A-1's (CU-566, 568, 573, 577, 578 and 587);
A-2's (CU551, 556, 574, 575, 579, 580, 581, .584 and 585);
A-3's (CU-552,562, 563, 571, 572, 576, 582, 583 and 586);
A-4's (CU501 ... 507);