Type 2 seat experimental
Engine 1 Argus As 10H with a VDM variable pitch prop. Ø 2.6 m
Dimensions Length 9.76 m, height 3.50 m, span 15.25 m, wingarea 24.10 m2, wheelbase 3.38 m, tailwhell to mainwheel 6.65 m
Weights Empty 1115 kg, load 255 kg, flying weight 1370 kg
Performance Max. speed 185 km/, cruising speed 140 km/h, required runway for take off (without the suction device running) 258 m (35° flaps), (with it running) 240 m (35° flaps), landing speed 55 km/h
Type Werk.Nr Registration History
D-IAFZ Tested 1939/40