In 1928, the technical services launched a program for the realization of a two-seater reconnaissance aircraft capable of carrying 2500kgs of load at 900 kms at the maximum speed of 240km / h. ANF ??Mureaux offers the Mureaux 110, an all-metal umbrella monoplane. Seven prototypes were selected, including the Mureaux 110. This one made its first flight in April 1931 and finally won the contest. Ten units are therefore ordered in 1932. These 10 units are manufactured in several variants, including an ANF version 112-02 powered by a Hispano-Suiza 12Y with a compressor which prefigures the future ANF Mureaux 113. This one was differentiated by the adoption of a two-ply wooden propeller instead of the metal three-bladed propeller. He made his first flight on 15 March 1933. 49 copies are ordered.
The Mureaux 115 R2 is powered by a Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs of 860hp with a radiator in front position, which changed its silhouette and improved its cooling to the benefit of its performance. It made its first flight on March 6, 1935. 122 aircraft will be manufactured.
The Mureaux 117R2 very close to the Mureaux 113 had an autonomy of 1500kms instead of 900kms thanks to larger tanks and saw its mature strengthened. The first unit was delivered as a unit in June 1934 and 119 units were produced.
The first Mureaux arrived in units from July 1934 (Mureaux 115), January 1935 (Mureaux 113) and March 1935 (Mureaux 117) replacing outdated models such as Potez 25 and Breguet 19. These latter used in Night, were replaced by 40 Mureaux 113 transformed into night fighters (CN2), including a raised turret. In April 1935, an amendment to the initial order adds 60 Mureaux 117. These, equipped with launchers under the wings become "R2B2" able to carry 400kgs of bombs.
At the outbreak of the conflict, about 221 Mureaux (28 Mureaux 113, 100 Mureaux 115 and 93 Mureaux 117) were divided into GAOs (Aerial Observation Group) or schools. It was also a Mureaux 115 of the GAO 553 which was the first French aircraft shot down on September 8, 1939. Faced with the vulnerability of this type of aircraft, their use on mission was quickly limited until the arrival of more modern twin-engines Such as Potez 63-11. But the delays in the delivery of these new devices obliged the reconnaissance units to keep a few Mureaux in service. More than 170 aircraft disappeared in the storm and at the Armistice, there were now only 58 aircraft on different grounds: 5 Mureaux 113, 36 Mureaux 115 and 12 Mureaux 117. They will all be scrapped.

Type |
Two seat reconnaissance aircraft |
Engine |
1 Hispano-Suiza 12Ycrs |
Dimensions |
Length 10,18 m , height 3,81 m , span 15,40 m , wing area 34,90 m2 , |
Weights |
Empty 1720 kg, loaded , max. take off weight 2885 kg |
Performance |
Max.. speed 320 km/h , cruising speed 276 km/h , range 1500 km, endurance , service ceiling 9000 m , climb to 4000 m 9 min. |
Armament |
2 7,5 mm MAC 34 machine guns, up to 200 kg bombload |
Type |
Werk.Nr |
Registration |
History |
117 R2B2 |
59 |
X-049 |
Assigned to GAO II/551. Strafed on the ground during the attack by the Germans field Tournes (08). Abandoned on the spot, it will be captured by the Germans on June 5, 1940 |